
Dear reader friend,

What I needed growing up was for a wise guide to say, “You’re really good at that!” or “This is one of your gifts, for sure,” or “You always notice this or excel at. . .”

It didn’t happen. The good part of that lack is it feeds my passion to provide mirroring to others, to YOU. In our world where we're connected to each other via social media, internet news, cell phones, and access to travel, we can fall into the pit of COMPARING ourselves to others. Even worse, we might obsess with trying to BE LIKE OTHER PEOPLE.

Is this YOU? Have you LOST YOURSELF? 

Are you fuzzy on the unique gifts and perspective you bring to the world? Do you know why you're here?

I want to help you to feel seen, as in:

The noise of culture calls us outside of ourselves, to externals. Are you SO DONE with that artificiality? Are you ready to uncover and follow what your Creator calls you to?

This happens by tuning in to what's invisible. The strongest, purest part of you is your heart. There God reveals the burden and work He has shaped you to do side-by-side with Him. 

Take time to learn to "read" your heart. Then, walk forward with greater authenticity. 

Some of the resources that help me live truly are found here. I share what I am learning in my newsletter, which you can subscribe to here.

Thank you :)

